(Thursday 18th of May 2017)
Base de ADN: Faltam regras para partilhar dados com polícias estrangeiras

Fiscalizador da base de ADN dos condenados com mais de 3 anos de pena teme confusão jurídica com autoridades judiciais europeias. (Read more)

Forensic DNA databasing in Portugal - contemporary issues in ethics, practices and policy FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009231

DNA technology causes social impacts and simultaneously fosters the emergence of new social relations.

This project focus the mutual interaction between forensic genetics and society. It addresses social, ethical, legal and political issues regarding the recent implementation of a DNA database in Portugal for criminal investigation and civil identification purposes.

It is aimed to generate relevant information for the definition of public policies in these matters and for the dissemination of knowledge to wide and diversified audiences.

Keywords: DNA database; forensic genetics; ethics; governance, public understanding of science and technology

Funding agency:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Coordinating institution:
Centro de Estudos Sociais

Participating institutions